Jason Anderson > Songs > For Opa > Performances

Appears on: Cold Cold Rain

For Opa has been played by Jason Anderson 8 time(s).
It was played at 1.83% of Jason Anderson shows.
It was last played 2024-04-10, which was 21 show(s) ago.
There have been 363 show(s) since the live debut.
Since its debut, "For Opa" has been played, on average, once every 46 show(s).

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2013-04-02 House Show, Washington DC, USA74
2020-05-15 Live From Home, Toronto, ON113
2020-06-14 Live From Home, Toronto, ON11
2021-07-15 Live From Home, Fredericton, NB59
2021-10-31 Live From Home, Fredericton, NB14
2023-04-25 WeWork, Washington, DC90
2023-05-16 Indie Coffee, Madison, WI8
2024-04-10 The Crib, Marquette, MI47

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