Jason Anderson > Songs > Burnin' for You > Performances

Burnin' for You was originally performed by Blue Öyster Cult.

Burnin' for You has been played by Jason Anderson 6 time(s).
It was played at 1.37% of Jason Anderson shows.
It was last played 2024-06-06, which was 6 show(s) ago.
There have been 54 show(s) since the live debut.
Since its debut, "Burnin' for You" has been played, on average, once every 9 show(s).

Date Played Venue Show Gap Footnote
2023-08-18 The Grant Building, Bath, ME383Blue Öyster Cult cover
2023-09-21 The Barn Door Tavern, Essex, NY7Blue Öyster Cult cover
2023-10-22 The Alluvion, Traverse City, MI10Blue Öyster Cult cover
2024-04-08 Indie Coffee, Madison, WI14Blue Öyster Cult cover
2024-05-05 Pete's Candy Store, Brooklyn, NY16Blue Öyster Cult cover
2024-06-06 Cinnamon Cafe, Fredericton, NB1Blue Öyster Cult cover

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