What started as a random idea to pass some time before a dinner reservation on a spring break trip from Virginia to Canada turned into an unforgettable experience. I purchased tickets to the show without knowing anything about Jason and turned up without any expectations. Somehow, we were seated front and center for the show, certainly the best seats in the house.
The streetlights sparkled on the snow just outside of the window; it was cozy inside with just the glow of a few dim lights. As we warmed up from our walk over, we ordered some drinks, possibly one too many, and began to unwind and just let the music wash over us. Slowly, we forgot about our dinner reservation and anything else weighing on our minds. And for a moment, time stood still. It was an unforgettable night, magical even. I only wish I could relive it, knowing and loving these songs as I do now.
My favorite songs are So Impossible, We Will Bend, and No One Like You - they take me right back. I'm not sure how I chose Fredericton, New Brunswick for our spring break getaway, but I'm certainly glad I did. It now forever holds a place in our hearts thanks to this night and Jason's kind words after the show that made us feel like old friends.